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If you have a project you’re working on (or a goal you’re thinking about), I want you to take a minute to:
Define or discover where you want to be on December 31st.
Very often we don’t take the time to do this – we just think about the big goal at the very end of the path (which can be so discouraging!).
What doesn’t come naturally: being realistic about what we can accomplish in a given time (with what we have going on and any constraints we’re currently dealing with).
What to do:
1. Get clear on what you want
2. Check in and see if it’s realistic (and aligned) and write it down
3. Determine how you want to reflect – decide how you’re going to track it.
Once you have those three steps determined, you can tap into your inner wisdom and ask yourself: what can I do to move the needle on my goal today (or this week)?