Creative Coaching can be distilled down to three areas of focus that build on each other.
In order, they are:
- Mindset
- Behavior Change
- Goal Cultivation
Mindset is, simply put, a collection of your thoughts and beliefs.
Your Mindset is the inner narration you hear inside your head all day long.
It is often negative. It dictates what we believe is possible for us (which impacts how we feel, show up, and the results we create).
Behavior Change
Behavior is defined as, ‘the way one acts or conducts oneself’.
Your behavior is almost always directly affected by your mindset.
We often behave, or act, in ways we don’t want and know are unhelpful. When we back up to look at how our thoughts and beliefs drive our actions, we can begin to have more influence.
Goal Cultivation
Goal cultivation is being intentional with choosing goals that are specific, measurable, challenge us to become the next version of ourself, and often involves self-improvement.
The purpose of setting goals is learning – you learn about yourself, your beliefs, new skills, and develop new self-concepts.
Mindset + Behavior Change + Goal Cultivation = How we create what we desire in our lives AND How we become the next iteration of ourselves (over and over again). Which is the whole point, right?